Gratitude Day 9: Sunday Angels

"Heavenly Light"
Morning light illuminates the trees at the Missionary Baptist Church in Cades Cove.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
© 2014 Kristina Plaas, All Rights Reserved
For the last few months I have found myself dragging out the door to church on Sunday mornings, sliding into the pew physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. By the time I sit down, often a few minutes late,  my "tank" is on empty. Two hymns into the service I can't stop the tears. The Spirit, and my need to feel the Spirit, are that strong. I've discovered angels are working during and after the service. They offer hugs, kind words of consolation and encouragement, and prayers. Lots of prayers. I love those angelic acts of service.

Today the angels must have known of my silent desperation as I struggle to prepare music for upcoming regional church meetings ("Stake Conference") and a Christmas Devotional program. I'm way behind on my planning agenda and running into the usual obstacles, this time without my usual resiliency. I had a full day of meetings and networking planned on top of choir rehearsals, but with almost no energy to carry out my plan. Fortunately angels have energy to share. After one meeting in my own congregation several angels filled a few of those holes in my agenda. The holes in my heart were shrinking too. By the time I finished meeting with my third congregation of the day, more holes were filled and the tank of my heart was filling back up again. Now, after the 4th choir rehearsal of the day, I'm exhausted but my heart is very full. God sent not just one or two Sunday angels to rescue me. he sent a heavenly host of them! Those angels were the answer to my prayers. I'm pretty sure grateful doesn't begin to express how I feel about what happened today, but it's the best word I can think of at the moment. Thank you, angels, from the bottom of my once leaky, now full heart!


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