Gratitude Day 6: Banana Bread, Knitting and Knitting Friends

Today wasn't the greatest day for me. A weather front pushed through, my fibromyalgia acted up, I had too much to do and no energy to do it. It's a recipe for a bad mood. So I did the best I could to take care of daddy, procrastinated everything non-essential, and accomplished two things: banana bread and knitting. The banana bread was not because I was feeling inspired to bake, rather I didn't have the heart to waste overripe bananas. I didn't have one key ingredient to make my old standard recipe so I tried a new one. It was excellent! Daddy loved it so that was good.

Today is Thursday and I look forward to Thursday nights all week because it's time to knit with friends at The Yarn Haven. I love to knit, though I don't get as much done as I did a few years ago. I love my knitting friends even more. These women have been my cheerleaders as I crawled my way out of near total disability with fibromyalgia, battled my demons, and slowly reclaimed an active life. They have been the angels that listened to every desperate word I did and didn't say the past few months as I've grieved my mother's death and struggled to be a caretaker for my father. They have helped me choose patterns and yarn and gush over pretty colors. They have celebrated every bead and stitch on a lace shawl that took triple the normal amount of time for me to complete. But tonight I knit that last stitch on that shawl and I finished a pair of socks, too! Best of all, I did it with the most amazing friends I could ever hope to have. Yup, I'm grateful!


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