Gratitude Day 4: Freedom

"Star and Beam"
A beam from the World Trade Center stands on a Star base stands as a memorial to those who lost their lives on 9/11.  TVA Kingston Fossil Fuel Plant, Kingston, TN
I believe most Americans do not go about their daily lives mindfully aware of the blessings we have living in a free and democratic nation. We just live, and work, and spend time with friends and family, and do what we want most of the time. Oh, we complain about stuff like taxes and gas prices and the way schools are managed, but we don't really think about what it would be like if America weren't free. But when tragedy strikes, such as happened on 9/11, or when the beloved son or daughter of a friend is killed while serving our country in the armed forces, then we think again. And on days like today when we have the opportunity to freely choose who we would like to represent us in government affairs, we are also reminded that living in America is different than in many other places. I haven't felt well most of the day today and I really didn't want to go anywhere, but I shoved myself out the door to my local polling place to make my voice heard. It's a privilege I don't want to neglect. I want to continue to live free and exercising my right to vote is one way to do it. I'm grateful for freedom!


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