Gratitude Day 5: Transportation

Snow White goes to Grandfather Mountain on the Blue Ridge Parkway 
I admit it. I hate the hassle of taking my car in for servicing. I hate having car trouble more so I try very hard to do the routine things to keep my car running well. That meant sitting in the waiting area at the car dealer this afternoon while they changed the oil and other tasks. As I waited I engaged in an attitude improvement exercise of thinking about what my life would be like if I didn't have a nice, safe car to drive. I couldn't drive to the grocery store or church, or take Daddy to doctor's appointments or out to eat. I couldn't go to the university or to the Smokies. I would be stuck at home -- horrors!

I drove a family car in high school and college, but bought all my own cars after that. A few years ago when my old car started needing one costly repair after another to keep it running safely, my parents started to worry. It wasn't so much about fixing the radiator or the air conditioner, but about what would happen to me if I was stuck with a broken-down car in the middle of boondocks nowhere in the mountains -- with no cell phone reception and no way to call for help. Their anxiety far exceeded mine. I hoped to drive that old car for many more years, or at least until I could afford to replace it. My parents had a different idea, so my Mom bought me a new car two years ago. Safety for me, peace of mind for them -- and a nice ride whenever they wanted one. I was overwhelmed, but grateful. Two years down the road I'm even more mindful of what a huge gift my car is and I'm very grateful. Thanks, Mom!


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