Welcome and Gratitude Day 9: The Smoky Mountains

Over the past two years I have focused my creative energies on developing my skills as a nature and landscape photographer. I have been sharing the results of my travels and camera-clicking primarily on Facebook, but narrative space on Facebook is limited. Many of my FB friends have been encouraging me to  expand to a blog. I resisted at first, but have come to realize that I really want to write a new blog. I am grateful to all those who have been my friends, cheerleaders, and supporters of my creative activities. I hope to share a bit more with you now that I have the space to do so.

With the arrival of November, I began a series of Gratitude posts to express my feelings during this season of Thanksgiving. I can't turn back the clock to the beginning of the month, but I will try to post as many of them here as I can. I'll start with today's message:

Gratitude Day 9: The Smoky Mountains
The Tree in Cades Cove, near the Dan Lawson Place, with Rich Mountain in the background

I was seven years old when my family moved to Tennessee. It wasn't long before we made our first trip to the Smokies. I've been in love with "my mountains" ever since. The role the Smokies play in my li
fe has changed over the years. Now I go mostly to appreciate the beauty and to find peace from the stresses of daily life. I am rarely disappointed. I'm grateful a loving Heavenly Father created such a beautiful and peaceful place for me!

"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
Isaiah 55:12


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