Gratitude Day 26: Sunsets

Caney Fork Sunset, Blue Ridge Parkway
October 2012
Copyright 2012 Kristina Plaas
A few weeks ago I expressed my feelings about watching a beautiful sunrise, but I feel the same way about a gorgeous sunset. I was reminded of this while driving home from Kingsport on Saturday afternoon. As I rolled down I-81 the sun descended from the clear blue sky above into the low-level clouds and smoky haze (from wildfires) near the horizon. It was a cold, low humidity day making conditions perfect for a colorful sunset -- and colorful it was! My only regret was that I was not in a position to get off the interstate and snap some photos of the glorious scene.

A stunning sunset always reminds me of the blessing of adversity in life. Watching a sunset when the sky is clear is nice, but not especially beautiful. The right combination of clouds and sky are required for a spectacular sunset, one filled with a rainbow of yellows, oranges, reds, and purples. Similarly, it is the challenging times in life that help me appreciate the sweet times, the good people, the beautiful things. I would never knowingly seek for more adversity in my life, but I'm grateful for the personal growth I've experienced from the hard things that have come my way. I'm also grateful for the clouds that allow me to experience spectacular sunsets. I am blessed!
Sunset from Clingman's Dome, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
November 2012
Copyright 2012 Kristina Plaas


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