Lent Photo-a-Day 3/2: Bless

My mother quoted Job often, especially in times when life changes left me feeling a sense of loss. I'm pretty sure my faith is nowhere near that of Job's, but I am learning that I am blessed by the Lord in all things. I love that bless is a verb, a word of action. It is human to focus on how we want the Lord to bless us, give us what we desire in life. The scriptures tell us that He will give us the desires of our hearts if we trust in Him. This is good, but we can take it to the next level by focusing on how we can act to bless others. The well-loved phrase, Lord, let me be a blessing to someone today. shows us the way to move beyond ourselves to others. In the many years of my illness when I couldn't do much of anything, trying to find ways to bless others gave me a sense of purpose. I did little things, really little things, but it made a difference for the recipient and for me. Because I felt the Lord's love in those moments, even though my health was taken away for a season, I knew I was being blessed. I am grateful for this life lesson as it is sustaining me in my current situation. It's is important for me to bless His name in all things.


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